Services of Licensing, Inspection and Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer (CESE) Authorization are now available ONLINE. OFFLINE application will not be accepted.
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Save energy for your healthy,safe and better future
Take a small step ,save energy ,it means a lot to future
Save energy ,stay safe and save our country
Save energy,save future,save nature
Switch off today,save tomorrow
Energy Saving happy living

Circular Notification
1. Inspection
Energy Department of order No:- 14158 improve the Ease of Doing Business in Odisha p
Guidelines regarding Inspection of generating units plants including DG set installation p
Procedure for Inspection of Electrical Installations Upto 250KVA p
Procedure for Inspection of Electrical Installations Above 250KVA p
Gazette notification regarding levy of Inspection,Testing fees etc p
Inspection Jurisdiction of Electrical Inspector p
Generator Inspection p
Details to be Submitted by BTS Infra Providers/Operators/Service Providers p
Proforma Letter for drawing approval in respect of CPP/D.G Sets. p
Circular Regarding Energy Meter and it's Connection p
Instructions Regarding Inspection p
Inspecting Officers-29/05/2007 p
2. Energy Conservation
3. Electrical Act & Rules  
4. Generator ED
5. Electrical Licensing Board
6. Organisation Structure
7. Odisha Right to Public Services Act  

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